16 and 17 year olds deserve a say in their future

16 and 17 year olds deserve a say in their future
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Dear Rafa,

On Tuesday, MPs will decide whether to give 16 and 17 year olds a vote in the upcoming EU referendum.

The Scottish independence referendum showed once and for all that 16 and 17 year olds are more than capable of taking important political decisions. Three-quarters of them voted and 97% said they would do so in the future. They accessed more information than any other age group, and registered in their thousands. Find out more about their success.

Now we have the chance to extend that energy to the EU referendum. Please write to your MP today in support of votes at 16.

You may have missed it, but as things stand, 16 and 17 year olds will be able to take part in the EU referendum: last month, the Lords backed votes at 16 in the referendum.

But now the Bill is coming back to the House of Commons, so it’s down to MPs whether to keep or remove that decision. And it could be a close one.
This is a golden chance to build on the success of the Scottish referendum in getting young people engaged in their democratic future. Let’s not waste this opportunity.

Best wishes,
Katie Ghose
Chief Executive
Electoral Reform Society

Electoral Reform Society
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United Kingdom
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