>>> Fair Vote <<<

Canada voted, but your vote may not count ⁠— again - Halifax Examiner

FairVote is a nonpartisan organization seeking better elections for all. We research and advance voting reforms that make democracy more functional and representative for every American.

FairVote is the national driving force behind advancing ranked choice voting (RCV) and proportional RCV in legislative districts to give voters more choices, fairer representation and better government. RCV has become the fastest-growing nonpartisan improvement to our elections; with FairVote’s guidance and a growing coalition of national and state allies, more than 13 million voters are able to rank candidates in their elections.

The country’s leading authority on RCV, FairVote advises state and national partners on its uses and implementations, from cities across Utah to New York City. Two states — Alaska and Maine — have adopted ranked choice voting for their elections for Congress and president.

We helped bring RCV to the 2020 Democratic primaries, where five states used it to select presidential candidates. Despite a global pandemic, it proved easy to implement and was overwhelmingly popular with voters. More than 50 places have adopted RCV, up from only two in 2000.

FairVote - Wikipedia

Learn about FairVote’s history, team, and strategy.

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