Ucraïna: selecció d’anàlisi, explicacions i comentaris (I/II)

Revista de prensa

¿Qué leer sobre la guerra en Ucrania?

Nuestra selección de los mejores artículos, explicaciones, análisis y comentarios sobre el acontecimiento que ha marcado un punto de inflexión en la historia y que podría cambiar la visión de Europa (y del mundo) durante mucho tiempo.

Publicado en 2 junio 2022, voxeurop

Desde el inicio de la crisis en Ucrania y de la invasión rusa, hemos leído mucho sobre el tema, y hemos tratado de ceñirnos a nuestro cometido: poner a vuestra disposición los mejores artículos, análisis y comentarios, procedentes de fuentes locales e independientes y con un ángulo local o transfronterizo siempre que sea posible.

Sin embargo, no podemos republicar o compartir con nuestros miembros y lectores todos estos artículos. En un momento en el que un país europeo está siendo invadido y resiste valientemente al asaltante ruso, en el que la Unión Europea parece actuar por una vez de manera adecuada y en el que se perfila la posibilidad de una guerra a escala continental (o incluso peor), creemos que es importante contribuir a la circulación de ideas e información, y ayudar a la comprensión de este acontecimiento que nos afecta profundamente, más allá de los artículos publicados por Voxeurop.

👉 Leer más sobre Ucrania y la invasión rusa

Por ello hemos creado un hilo de curación (no traducido) con los artículos, comentarios y análisis más interesantes que hemos visto en la prensa europea. Lo actualizaremos continuamente. No aspiramos a la exhaustividad, y por ello os invitamos a indicarnos los artículos que creáis que deban estar en la lista. Nosotros haremos todo lo posible para leerlos y añadirlos a nuestra selección.

Disfrutad de la lectura y no dudéis en hacernos llegar vuestras sugerencias, críticas y propuestas  a 👉  contact@voxeurop.eu

UkraineFacts | By the International Fact-checking Network Signatories

Russia, Ukraine & International Law: On Occupation, Armed Conflict and Human RightsHuman Rights Watch

Civilian harm in Ukraine | Bellingcat

Explaining Ukraine podcast | Ukraine World

‘We were all wrong’: how Germany got hooked on Russian energy

Germany has been forced to admit it was a terrible mistake to become so dependent on Russian oil and gas. So why did it happen?

Patrick Wintour | The Guardian | 2 junio 2022

Russia destroys Ukraine’s historic heritage, steals rare collections from museums

Almost 100 days into the Kremlin’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine, hundreds of cultural heritage sites in the country have been destroyed and thousands of rare historical artifacts have been stolen.

Natalia Datskevych | The Kyiv Independent | 1 junio 2022

What The West (Still) Gets Wrong About Putin

Asking whether to appease or not appease him is completely beside the point.

Tatiana Stanovaya | Foreign Policy | 1 junio 2022

Political scientist Kirill Rogov on why Russia’s invasion of Ukraine isn’t just ‘Putin’s war’

It will take a lot of time and research to answer the question of what led to Russia’s monstrous war against Ukraine. After Moscow launched its full-scale invasion on February 24, the notion quickly spread around the world that this was “Putin’s war” and that he personally made the decision to invade. In this essay for Meduza’s “Ideas” section, political scientist Kirill Rogov breaks down why this reasoning is more of a convenient pretense than a real explanation of how Russia reached this point. 

Kirill Rogov | Meduza | 31 mayo 2022

Un paese diviso? Lingua e identità etnica in Ucraina

L’Ucraina è stata spesso dipinta come un paese strutturalmente diviso tra la minoranza russa e la maggioranza ucraina, tra russofoni e ucrainofoni. Una visione di per sé stilizzata e rigida della realtà e delle complesse identità di un paese, basate oltretutto su una sorprendente mancanza di dati.

Oleksiy Bondarenko | East magazine | 30 mayo 2022

‘I don’t know what to do’

Taken to the Russian Far East, refugees from Mariupol were promised housing and jobs. They have yet to receive either.

Sofia Maksimova | Meduza | 19 mayo 2022


How the war in Ukraine appears to Russians – An interactive article.

The Economist | 17 mayo 2022

Gli archivi aperti del KGB: l’Ucraina ha capito che per costruire una democrazia bisogna fare i conti con la storia

Ci sono due modi per denigrare la lotta di sopravvivenza degli ucraini contro l’invasione russa. Il primo è sostenere che l’Ucraina sia un paese nazista perché vi sono attivi partiti e movimenti ultranazionalisti, seppure minoritari e politicamente marginali. Il secondo è affermare che stiamo assistendo a una guerra per procura, che gli ucraini sono solo un proxy americano, il vero conflitto è fra la Russia e gli americani.

Gianluca Falanga | ValigiaBlu | 15 May 2022

Fossil fuel firms and agricultural traders cash in on the war in Ukraine

Critics suggest investors are promoting the disruption that they then benefit from – while also slowing a move towards green energy.

Joseph Baines | openDemocracy | 6 mayo 2022

‘We want to die for the motherland too!’

A dispatch from a Buryatian village where one percent of residents have joined the war in Ukraine.

Karina Pronina | Meduza | 11 mayo 2022

Are the Russian people Putin’s victims or collaborators in crime?

Lacking a positive national identity, Russians continue to be governed by a dangerous imperial mindset that betrays both subservience and aggression. Putin has cynically built on this dubious foundation.

Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj | Eurozine | 9 mayo 2022

The War in Ukraine Has Unleashed a New Word

In a creative play on three different languages, Ukrainians identify an enemy: ‘ruscism.’

Timothy Snyder | The New York Times | 22 abril 2022

The truth about Ukraine’s far-Right militias

Russia has empowered dangerous factions in Zelenskyy's army.

Aris Roussinos | UnHerd | 15 marzo 2022

What to expect from the Battle of Donbas, Russia’s new offensive

Ukraine and the world have spent weeks in anticipation of the Battle of Donbas, “the second phase” of Russia’s all-out war on Ukraine. Now, it seems, the wait is over. With the drastic intensification of hostilities in Donbas and neighboring areas, President Volodymyr Zelensky on April 18 finally confirmed the beginning of Russia’s large-scale offensive in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

Ilya Ponomarenko | The Kyiv Independent | 21 abril 2022

Does Ukraine need a Marshall Plan?

There is no miracle fix for rebuilding a post-conflict Ukraine: it will need the huge investment, hard grind and tough political bargaining of postwar Europe.

Adam Tooze | New Statesman | 21 abril 2022

Kremlin Insiders Alarmed Over Growing Toll of Putin’s War in Ukraine

Some in the elite fear the invasion was a catastrophic mistake — but say the Russian president won't relent and is in no danger of losing power.

Bloomberg News | 21 abril 2022

Ukraine: Russian Forces’ Trail of Death in Bucha

Russian forces committed a litany of apparent war crimes during their occupation of Bucha, a town about 30 kilometers northwest of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, from March 4 to 31, 2022, Human Rights Watch said in a detailed report released today.

Human Rights Watch | EN, FR | 21 abril 2022

A Boutcha, exécutions, viols et meurtres aveugles : l’enquête du « New York Times » sur les crimes de guerre

En Ukraine, la ville au nord-ouest de Kiev a été le théâtre d’un massacre pendant plusieurs semaines. Le quotidien américain documente avec rigueur et précision plusieurs de ces crimes contre des civils.

Big Browser | Le Monde | FR, EN | 12 abril 2022

The Race to Archive Social Posts That May Prove Russian War Crimes

Painstaking new techniques for archiving social media posts could provide crucial evidence in future prosecutions.

Tom Simonite | Wired | 11 abril 2022

Don’t cry for me, Dostoevsky

In true Stalinist manner, Russian culture is being weaponized in the war against Ukraine. But instead of cancelling great Russian writers, we should read them with a critical eye – just like other European classics.

Konstantin Akinsha | Eurozine | 4 abril 2022

Ukraine: A battleground for Europe’s future

For Ukrainians, this uneven battle is about the survival of their nation. However, it is also about the future of democracy in Europe as a whole. The unprecedented act of collective solidarity at the EU border proves the resilience of civil society in the face of Putin’s challenge.

Tatiana Zhurzhenko | Eurozine | 8 abril 2022

Putin exploits the lie machine but didn’t invent it. British history is also full of untruths

Our own crisis of truth is responsible for some of the world’s biggest problems.

George Monbiot | The Guardian | 30 marzo 2022

Real refugees, fake refugees

After pushing back Middle Eastern refugees into the forests on its northern border with Belarus, Poland is now welcoming an unprecedented number of displaced Ukrainians. Deep racial and gender stereotypes are at play in this double standard, and an idea of heroic patriotism that doesn’t understand the people who don’t have a state to fight for.

Lidia Zessin-Jurek | Eurozine | 28 marzo 2022

Ukraine: Apparent War Crimes in Russia-Controlled Areas

Summary executions and other serious human rights violations were evidently carried out by Russian forces.

Human Rights Watch | EN, FR | 3 abril 2022

Russian reporters in Ukraine: ‘Every day I see dead and injured’

A group of independent Russian reporters are in Ukraine and attempting to break the Kremlin’s stranglehold on information.

Shaun Walker | The Guardian | 1 abril 2022

Polish Activists Arrested for Saving Lives

At the Polish-Belarusian border, Polish police harasses volunteers for providing aid to people trying to leave Belarus.

Lydia Gall | Human Rights Watch | 1 abril 2022

The war on Ukraine mirrors the Turkish-Syrian border in 2013

On every news channel, you can see cities blasted into rubble by the Russian air force. Desperate streams of people flee the fighting on foot in long ragged columns. The scale of human suffering is immense. Politicians and border agencies who, a few weeks ago, held harsh stances against migrants now fling the gates open because these refugees are different—you see, they are our siblings. “We” have a shared history with “them”. But I am not talking about the Ukrainian-Polish border in 2022. This is the Turkish-Syrian border in 2013.

Josef Burton | Are We Europe | 1 abril 2022

International media are abusing the heroism of Ukraine’s journalists

As international media try to cover the horror of Russia's attack on Ukraine, they are failing the people who are helping them do it: Ukrainian journalists and producers.

Alik Sardarian | openDemocracy | 30 marzo 2022

A New Iron Curtain: Russia’s Sovereign Internet

As Russia sends tanks and soldiers to take over Ukraine, it is also dispatching censors and regulators to strangle the Internet. In this CEPA special series, Senior Fellows Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan argue that both invasions are linked and represent the culmination of a more than a decade-long trend to throttle the free and open flow of information in Russia.

Andrei Soldatov, Irina Borogan | Center for European Policy Analysis | 23 marzo 2022

«Noi disertori russi traditi da Mosca e nascosti dai contadini ucraini»

Dal militare della banda musicale al ragazzo di leva: «Ci hanno mentito sulla missione e ci hanno mandato a morire». E la contadina di Kiev che tranquillizza la mamma del soldato in Russia.

Nello Scavo | Avvenire | 26 marzo 2022

La guerra in Ucraina e il progetto imperiale di Putin

Il cerchio si è chiuso. Dal crollo dell’Unione Sovietica è bastata una generazione per far precipitare la nuova Russia all’inferno. Trent’anni di promesse mancate, speranze bruciate, segnali mal interpretati, da Eltsin che si arrampica sui carri armati nell’estate del 1991 e ferma il golpe dei sostenitori del regime sovietico fino alla messa in scena del 18 marzo 2022 allo stadio Lužniki: un carnevale ultranazionalista in cui il kitsch patinato dei video della musica pop russa degli anni duemila si è fuso con il gigantismo posticcio delle parate nordcoreane di Kim Jong-il. La fine di un’epoca.

Andrea Pipino | Internazionale | 28 marzo 2022

Russie : l’information économique, victime collatérale de la guerre en Ukraine

« Toute quantification change le monde ». C’est ainsi que l’économiste Olivier Martin résume l’enjeu politique de ce qu’il appelle « l’empire des chiffres ». À mesure que s’affirme devant nous l’ambition impériale du pouvoir en Russie, la statistique et l’information économique échappent de moins en moins à l’emprise du politique dans ce pays. Ce processus a des conséquences très concrètes.

Julien Vercueil | The Conversation France | 27 marzo 2022

Jonathan Littell : « Mes chers amis russes, c’est l’heure de votre Maïdan »

Evoquant la révolution à Kiev en 2014, l’écrivain s’adresse, dans une lettre ouverte, à ses « amis d’âme et d’esprit » restés silencieux face aux agressions commises par leur pays en Tchétchénie, en Crimée et en Ukraine. Il les appelle à reprendre leur liberté en faisant tomber le régime.

Jonathan Littell | Le Monde | 27 marzo 2022

Ukrainian journalist released from Russian captivity: ‘They were most interested in finding organizers of pro-Ukrainian rallies’

Oleh Baturin, a journalist for the Novy Den, a newspaper in Ukraine’s southern Kherson Oblast, was kidnapped by the Russian military on March 12.

Ivan Antypenko | The Kyiv Independent | 23 marzo 2022

Mykola Riabchuk : « Il y a entre la Russie et l’Ukraine toute l’essence du colonialisme »

En septembre dernier, le politiste Mykola Riabchuk est arrivé de Kyiv pour un an de résidence à l’Institut d’études avancées de Paris avec pour objectif de « revisiter la crise ukrainienne », un projet largement rattrapé par l’actualité. Pour AOC, il livre ses analyses d’un conflit qu’il qualifie de dernier espoir pour l’Europe face à l’impérialisme russe.

Benjamin Tainturier | AOC | 26 marzo 2022

L’Ukraine, nouvel alibi de l’agriculture productiviste

« Toute quantification change le monde ». C’est ainsi que l’économiste Olivier Martin résume l’enjeu politique de ce qu’il appelle « l’empire des chiffres ».

Julien Vercueil | The Conversation | 27 marzo 2022

Russie : l’information économique, victime collatérale de la guerre en Ukraine

Les syndicats de l’agriculture intensive profitent de la panique sur l’approvisionnement causée par la guerre en Ukraine pour imposer leur agenda. Leur objectif : faire reculer les progrès européens vers une agriculture plus écologique.

Marie Astier | Reporterre | 7 marzo 2022

Ukraine: When things fall apart

A collective account from behind the scenes of a month of AFP's reporters and photojournalists in Ukraine work.

Dave Clark, Sophie Estienne, Dmytro Gorshkov, Antoine Lambroschini, Karim Menasria, Daphné Rousseau, Olga Shylenko, Arman Soldin, Daniel Leal, Michaëla Cancela-Kieffer | AFP | 24 marzo 2022 | EN, FR

Nobody knows what Russians want. Not even Russians themselves.

Russia has no national interests, not even in Ukraine. Russians are denied subjectivity, the means of making rational and responsible decisions. Instead, they have state-sanctioned propaganda, rigged elections, pretend patriotism and a profoundly inhuman leadership.

Nikolay Koposov | Eurozine | 22 marzo 2022

OCCRP Russian asset tracker

A project to track down and catalogue the vast wealth held outside Russia by oligarchs and key figures close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Lara Dihmis, Misha Gagarin, Karina Shedrofsky, Alina Tsogoeva | OCCRP | 21 marzo 2022

The war for democracy

The governments now sanctioning Russian oligarchs forget to mention that it was the free-market policies of the ’90s that created them. In order to regain the initiative after misreading Russia’s aggression, the Left needs to point out how the war for democracy in Ukraine is part of its own struggle for global justice in the 21st century.

Eirik Høyer Leivestad | Vagant/Eurozine | 21 marzo 2022

Ucraina, neppure le bombe fermano il mercato delle madri surrogate

La seconda meta mondiale per numero di neonati commissionati da coppie committenti ad aziende che gestiscono centinaia di "mamme in affitto" cerca di tranquillizzare i clienti. Con i bunker.

Antonella Mariani | Avvenire | 12 marzo 2022

«Could Russian nuclear missiles be intercepted in time?»

Readers asked the NZZ editorial team over 1,000 questions about the war in Eastern Europe. We have selected a few and provide the answers here.

Andreas Rüesch, Reto Stauffacher | Neue Zürcher Zeitung | 17 marzo 2022 | EN, DE

Guerre en Ukraine : Marta et Svitlana, deux exilées entrées en résistance en Roumanie

Les deux Ukrainiennes ont fui Kherson au lancement de l’offensive russe. Après un périple de neuf jours, elles se sont réfugiées à Calarasi, dans le sud-est de la Roumanie, d’où elles s’organisent pour mener la lutte.

Marie-Béatrice Baudet | Le Monde | 19 marzo 2022

What do ordinary Russians really think about the war?

Surveys suggest most Russians support the use of military force in Ukraine. Is this an accurate picture?

Ksenia Kislova, Pippa Norris | Social Europe | 17 marzo 2022

How the war in Ukraine is changing European media and journalism

So far, the biggest impact of Russia’s invasion on the media landscape in Europe (and beyond) has been the EU-wide ban of Kremlin-backed media outlets.

David Tvrdon | The Fix | 8 marzo 2022

EU member states exported weapons to Russia after the 2014 embargo

Missiles, aircraft, rockets, torpedoes, bombs. Russia continued to buy EU weapons until at least 2021. Despite the ongoing embargo, ten member states exported € 346 million worth of military equipment, according to public data analysed by Investigate Europe. Some of these weapons could be used against the Ukraine now.

Laure Brillaud, Ana Curic, Maria Maggiore, Leïla Miñano, Nico Schmidt | Investigate Europe | 17 marzo 2022

The western elite is preventing us from going after the assets of Russia’s hyper-rich

Why has no progress been made on an international financial registry? One simple reason: wealthy westerners don’t want one.

Thomas Piketty | The Guardian/Le Monde | 16 marzo 2022 | EN, FR

‘People from my country came to kill me’

Every year, thousands of Russians move to Ukraine. Putin’s invasion has turned their lives upside down. 

Kristina SafonovaMeduza | 14 marzo 2022 | EN, RU

Timothy Snyder on the Myths That Blinded the West to Putin’s Plans

The renowed historian on Putin's myths, Ukrainian identity and the West's "politics of inevitability."

Ezra Klein | The New York Times | 15 marzo 2022

Not One, the West Needs to Win Three Wars in Ukraine

Victory needs to be achieved on the physical battlefield itself, in the information space and in the economy.

Martin Ehl | Visegrad Insight | 14 marzo 2022

Ukraine : la France a livré des armes à la Russie jusqu’en 2020

Entre 2015 et 2020, la France a livré des équipements militaires dernier cri à la Russie. Un armement qui a permis à Vladimir Poutine de moderniser sa flotte de tanks, d’avions de chasse et d’hélicoptères de combat, et qui pourrait être utilisé dans la guerre en Ukraine.

Elie Guckert, Ariane Lavrilleux, Geoffrey Livolsi & Mathias Destal | Disclose | 14 marzo 2022

War can be ended, but peace would be tough for Ukraine to swallow

Defeating Putin in long run means accepting face-saving Russian ‘victory’ in immediate term

Gerard Toal | The Irish Times | 12 marzo 2022

Ukraine, le prix du temps

L'invasion de l'Ukraine nous a fait basculer dans un nouveau rapport au temps. D'une part le temps court, où des centaines de vies sont brisées ; de l'autre, le temps long qui verra l'effondrement du régime de Poutine. Entre les deux – il faut tenir.
En peu de mots, le poète et traducteur André Markowicz dit cette tension qui définit aujourd'hui notre horizon.

André Markowicz | Le Grand Continent | 12 marzo 2022

In the Ukraine conflict, fake fact-checks are being used to spread disinformation

Researchers at Clemson University’s Media Forensics Hub and ProPublica identified more than a dozen videos that purport to debunk apparently nonexistent Ukrainian fakes.

Craig Silverman and Jeff Kao | Pro Publica | 10 marzo 2022

Why Putin is beholden to Stalin’s legacy

The Russian president has embraced the Soviet cult of fear and control. His invasion of Ukraine is a colossal gamble to secure his place in history.

Simon Sebag Montefiore | New Statesman | 9 marzo 2022

“Sanctioning oil and gas will become critical”: What the War in Ukraine Means for the EU

The invasion of Ukraine has reshaped European politics in a matter of days. The European Union has imposed unprecedented financial sanctions on Russia yet trade in oil and gas continues to flow. Is energy the next step and, if so, are nuclear and coal back on the table? With Russia advancing and the United States absent, are we set to see a real push for a European army? We discuss key questions for the EU with economist Shahin Vallée.

Shahin Vallée | Green European Journal | 10 marzo 2022

“Sanctioning oil and gas will become critical”: What the War in Ukraine Means for the EU

The invasion of Ukraine has reshaped European politics in a matter of days. The European Union has imposed unprecedented financial sanctions on Russia yet trade in oil and gas continues to flow. Is energy the next step and, if so, are nuclear and coal back on the table? With Russia advancing and the United States absent, are we set to see a real push for a European army? We discuss key questions for the EU with economist Shahin Vallée.

Shahin Vallée | Green European Journal | 10 marzo 2022

How Vladimir Putin Brought the West Together

The Ukraine war is uniting the West – politically, militarily, morally. But what will the world's democracies do with this newfound unity? Can they succeed in preventing further escalation?

Markus BeckerGeorg FahrionKatharina Graça PetersRalf NeukirchRené PfisterMaximilian PoppJan PuhlBritta SandbergLina VerschweleBernhard Zand | Der Spiegel | 4 marzo 2022


Une entrée en guerre de l’UE aux côtés de l’Ukraine est-elle possible ?

La guerre russe en Ukraine est un événement puissant en ce qu’il contient sa dynamique propre. Ce qui arrive tient davantage à l’enchaînement des faits qu’à des causes préexistantes.

Or, ce qui se passe incite à imaginer un fait jusqu’alors inenvisageable et inenvisagé : à savoir que l’ensemble des pays de l’Union européenne pourraient collectivement entrer en guerre contre un adversaire commun.

Sylvain Kahn | The Conversation FR | 7 March 2022

“An information dark age”: Russia’s new “fake news” law has outlawed most independent journalism there

“Military censorship in Russia has quickly moved into a new phase…the threat of criminal prosecution of both journalists and citizens who spread information about military hostilities that is different from the press releases of the Ministry of Defense.”

Joshua Benton | Nieman Lab | 7 March 2022

Putin is Evil, Not Mentally Ill, a Psychological Explanation

The west's attempts to rationalise Moscow's moves miss the point — Interview with Roman Kechur: ‘He is a colossus on clay feet. Putin will do one or more other evil things. This will kill more people. But the verdict has already been passed. And it will be implemented soon enough.’

Volodymyr Semkiv | Visegrad Insight | 4 marzo 2022


Wir haben doch alle kaum eine Ahnung

In der westlichen Welt hört man offenbar nicht richtig zu: Der postsowjetische Raum war und ist nicht friedlich – damit er es werden kann, müssen wir dringend über unsere Vergangenheit sprechen. 

Olga Grjasnova | Der Spiegel | 2 marzo 2022

We must confront Russian propaganda – even when it comes from those we respect

The grim truth is that for years, a small part of the ‘anti-imperialist’ left has been recycling Vladimir Putin’s falsehoods

George Monbiot | The Guardian | 2 marzo 2022

„Die naheliegendste Analogie sind die Jahre 1938/39“

Es ist Tag acht im russischen Krieg gegen die Ukraine. Aber ist es nur Wladimir Putins Krieg? Bei aller Ohnmacht müssen alle jetzt herausfinden, wo die eigene Verantwortung liegt – und was nötig ist, um weiter mit sich leben und in den Spiegel schauen zu können.

Swetlana Reiter, Grigori Judin | DEKODER | 1 marzo 2022


From shock therapy to Putin’s war

Putin is alone responsible for the war in Ukraine but prominent westerners played a key role in Russia’s post-Soviet trajectory.

Katharina Pistor | Social Europe | 1 marzo 2022

Russia’s war

When war becomes a reality, time is of the essence. Slow political responses raise questions about underlying reasons for reluctance. And as Russia wages war on Ukraine, how the situation is described at distance also matters. How can Putin’s position be pulled back from the black hole of media and political acquiescence?

Mykola Riabchuk | Eurozine | 27 febrero 2022

Sofort Tränen in meinen Augen

"Ich schäme mich", schreibt ein russischer Kommentator, und das trifft mich, weil er plötzlich etwas benennt, was ich auch in mir spüre. Obwohl ich elf Jahre alt war, als ich Russland verließ. 

Lena Gorelik | Der Spiegel | 25 febrero 2022

Beyond the fog of war: books to help us understand the invasion of Ukraine

From Ukrainian history to Putin’s kleptocracy and Gogol’s stories, author and former Russia correspondent Oliver Bullough chooses the best titles.

Oliver Bullough | The Guardian | 4 marzo 2022

En inglés

Comment Chypre et les Pays-Bas protègent la Russie des sanctions mondiales

Les statistiques de la banque centrale de Russie montrent à quel point les paradis fiscaux européens sont au cœur de l’argent opaque russe. Ce qui plombe l’efficacité des sanctions prises à l’encontre des oligarques russes.

Christian Chavagneux | Alternatives Economiques | 3 marzo 2022

En francés

The Wars in Bosnia and Ukraine: Can We Learn from Sarajevo?

Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine should make the West pay more attention to the divisive and destructive political games being played by nationalist leaders in contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Nicolas Moll | Balkan Insight | 3 marzo 2022

En inglés, albanés y bosniano

War brought Vladimir Putin to power in 1999. Now, it must bring him down

Putin believed he could invade Ukraine because everything we failed to do over the last 22 years taught him that we are weak

Jonathan Littell | The Guardian, Le Monde, Ukrainska Pravda | 3 marzo 2022

En inglés, francés, ruso y ucraniano

You can’t silence us Russia’s president will lose, too, when the nation’s free press is gone

We’re publishing this text while there’s still time for us to mark the beginning of yet another historic development: Russia has officially introduced state censorship. What do we mean by “still time”? Within a few days, maybe even today, it is possible that there will be no independent media left in Russia. Very soon, it’s possible that anyone in Russia seeking information from the “enemy voices” of independent sources will need to make the same efforts as those who lived behind the Iron Curtain.

Meduza | 3 marzo 2022

En inglés

« Le bilan de Poutine à la tête de la Russie est une longue descente aux enfers d’un pays dont il a fait un agresseur »

Pour rendre à la Russie son statut de grande puissance militaire, le chef du Kremlin a sacrifié tout le reste. Il règne aujourd’hui sur une économie bloquée et un pays en guerre dont il a étouffé l’innovation et la créativité, observe dans sa chronique Sylvie Kauffmann, éditorialiste au « Monde ».

Sylvie Kauffmann | Le Monde | 3 marzo 2022

En francés

Keep Ukraine’s media going

Support independent Ukrainian news outlets. They have shown extraordinary courage, but the reality on the ground is that most operations cannot continue from Ukraine alone. This fundraiser on GoFundMe is aimed at helping media relocate, set-up back offices and continue their operations from neighbouring countries.

Dávid Tvrdoň | The Fix | 1 marzo 2022

En inglés

The Return of the Brezhnev Doctrine

Despite the warnings, the invasion of Ukraine took the world by surprise. For many, Ukraine was assumed to be a bargaining chip in a wider geopolitical game. What this view tragically overlooked was the central place of Ukraine in Vladimir Putin’s worldview and the much longer history of Russian imperialism.

Richard Robert | Green European Journal | 1 marzo 2022

En inglés

L’Europa apre le porte ai profughi ucraini

“C’erano bombe giorno e notte, carri armati per strada”. Ha il viso segnato dalla stanchezza, ancora fatica a parlare quando ripensa alle sirene e alle urla che l’hanno svegliata la mattina che Kiev, la sua città, è stata bombardata. Ha detto ai genitori che non poteva più sopportare quella paura: è un’ossessione che ancora la immobilizza, anche adesso che è in salvo.

Annalisa Camilli | Internazionale | 28 febrero 2022

En Italiano

Putins worrying defeat

Putin is on the ropes. This is as worrying as it is pleasing, since he will stop at nothing to try to regain control, but we must already think about the new relations that we could propose to post-Putin Russia.

Bernard Guetta | 28 febrero 2022

En inglés y en francés

Le jour où la politique étrangère allemande a changé

Le dimanche 27 février 2022, l'Allemagne est entrée dans une nouvelle ère. Pour la première fois traduit en français, nous donnons à lire le discours historique d'Olaf Scholz devant le Bundestag.

Matheo Malik | Le Grand Continent | 28 febrero 2022

En francés

Sanctions on Russia are potentially revolutionary

Sanctions on the Central Bank of Russia are pivotal. They will only work if complemented by oil and gas rationing.

Shahin Vallée | Geoeconomics | 27 febrero 2022

En inglés

‘Just short of nuclear’: the latest financial sanctions will cripple Russia’s economy

Denying Russia’s central bank access to its offshore reserves threatens hyperinflation, a recession and massive unemployment.

Steven Hamilton | The Conversation | 27 febrero 2022

En inglés

Russia’s war

When war becomes a reality, time is of the essence. Slow political responses raise questions about underlying reasons for reluctance. And as Russia wages war on Ukraine, how the situation is described at distance also matters. How can Putin’s position be pulled back from the black hole of media and political acquiescence?

Mykola Riabchuk | Desk Russie | 27 febrero 2022

En inglés

Pourquoi Poutine a déjà perdu la guerre

Coût de la victoire militaire, bourbier de l'occupation, renforcement de l'OTAN, isolement de la Russie, déstabilisation de Poutine en interne... L'invasion de l'Ukraine sera, quelle qu'en soit l'issue, une guerre perdante. 

Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer | Le Grand Continent | 27 febrero 2022

IEn francés, Alemán, Italiano, polaco and español

Not about NATO

It was only after the annexation of Crimea in 2014 that NATO broke off cooperation with Russia. Until then, Ukrainians themselves were largely against NATO membership. To frame NATO as a security threat to Russia caters to Kremlin propaganda.

Mariia Shynkarenko | Eurozine | 23 febrero 2022

En inglés

Documenting and Debunking Dubious Footage from Ukraine’s Frontlines

As Russia’s military escalation in and around Ukraine continues apace, a number of questionable videos and claims have appeared on social media and in Russian state media outlets. All appear to suggest Ukrainian aggression near the country’s border with Russia and two self-declared republics (occupied regions controversially recognised by Russia earlier this week) in the east of the country.

Yet as many researchers and journalists have point