genocidi yazidi, la sàdica destrucció d’un món
NB: aquest apartat específic s'obre a 8-II-2021, però en la subsecció corresponent de 'notícies' hi hi ha info especialment al voltant de la pèrdua, i reconquesta, del Sinjar, el seu petit-país.
A dalt a la dreta hi hi ha un bon cercador.
A mass funeral honors 103 victims of ISIS
After the plain wooden coffins were buried, above, relatives threw themselves on the grave sites, tearing at their hair, screaming in anguish and calling to their loved ones. One woman, doubled over with grief, recalled the new clothes her husband had bought just days before he was taken away and murdered. Another sobbed: “Oh my little brother, my little heart!”
8-II-21, nytimes