14-XI-2011/30-IV-2013, United States of Europe, a travelling exhibition about European identity and today´s Europe

A travelling exhibition
about European identity
and today’s Europe.

The project

Do you feel European? Does Mr O’Keeffe in Ireland feel more or less European than Mrs Stylianou in Cyprus? And if so, why? What is the idea behind Europe and do Europeans feel included? Do Europeans trust their leaders? Maybe there are as many different answers on these questions citizens in Europe.

The United States of Europe (U.S.E) project presents various reflections on those questions through four dimensions:

The concept of the U.S.E exhibition project is to play with the notion of identity, cultural borders and political militancy in order to provoke and wake up people’s minds. U.S.E aims to make us listen to others, interact with each other and give the vast European public a voice.

Between November 14 2011 and April 30 2013 the exhibition will take place in Poland, Finland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Portugal, Cyprus, Germany, Belgium, France and Ireland.