Roma, 8/11-XII, 39è Congrés del PRNTT. T´hi apuntes?

Logo_PRNonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty 

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Dear friend,

During the first session of the 39th Congress of the Transnational Nonviolent Radical Party which took place in Chianciano we identified the urgent need to transform the rights codified in many conventions and treaties into effective instruments which guarantee individual freedoms, while identifying as the primary objective “ the activation of jurisdictions at every level for the affirmation of fundamental human rights”. To this end, thanks to professor Cesare Romano, from the  Loyola University of Los Angeles, a detailed outline of the instruments necessary to achieve this purpose the world over has been prepared. This subject will be revisited, using this study as a starting point, in order to bring to life the existent rules and institutions, and to strengthen or reform them.

The agenda for the second session

Emphasis on the Radical Party’s aim of “ensuring that democracy and law are a means, which is accessible to the people in order to play a significant role in the political and social contexts of our time” will be at the heart of the debate of the final stage of the 39th Congress of the Party. This aim will be highlighted in the various thematic sessions, where, in addition to taking stock of the situation of the ongoing campaigns, new priorities for the Party will be proposed, establishing also the human and financial needs. To this end, a process for the updating and adaptation of the Statute of the Party to the needs dictated by the transnational nature of our organisation is ongoing.

The three main working groups which will be held in Rome will discuss issues related to the environment, energy and population boom; the fight against all prohibitions in order to affirm the right to make free and well informed choices, as well as to apply nonviolence in achieving lawfulness, transparency and legal certainty. Other discussions will deal with the digital domain and the fight against discrimination. On Friday 9 December, thanks to the participation of the former Foreign Ministers of France and Germany, Bernard Kouchner e  and Joshka Fisher, together with the French analyst Christine Ockrent, Emma Bonino and Marco Pannella, we will discuss about Europe and the necessary perspectives of political and economic reform of the European U nion.

The degeneration of the “real democracy” must be tackled as a real ailment, being potentially fatal, of the democratic ideal. During the Congress in Tirana, in 2002, we launched a proposal for a worldwide Organisation of “the democracy” and “the democracies”. The supranational protection of democratic rights – universal rights historically acquired as “natural” - is the fundamental aim of the Radical Party, an aim that must be pursued with the use of nonviolence, which the European Parliament (in its resolution on the Annual Report on Human Rights in the World 2008) described as “the most adequate instrument for the promotion  of fundamental human rights”. To date this resolution did not have any consequences, lead to concrete action or budgetary commitment from both the EU and the European political parties.
Therefore, we need to be ready to act on the international platform. The Radical Party is a nonviolent political organisation following Gandhian principles, which since 1995 has been recognised as an NGO in General consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN Representatives of oppressed peoples, opponents and dissidents of authoritarian and repressive regimes, politicians and experts from all over the world have taken the floor at the United Nations, to denounce the systematic violations of human rights and to push for answers from governments based on the reform of the international Rule of Law and from the institutions called upon for its application.

Since its evolution into an transnational organisation, which came about following the campaign against the extermination by hunger and wars in Africa at the beginning of the 1980s, the Radical Party put the achievement of law and international jurisdiction at the centre of its actions. Among these, the ad hoc tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the International Criminal Court, and the Universal Moratorium on the death penalty, as well as the campaign to ban the prohibitions on cloning and the ongoing campaign to ban the Female Genital Mutilation.  For the past six years the Radical Party has aimed at re-establishing compliance with the legal requirements established by its Statute - a process that will be concluded with the holding of the second assembly of the Congress this December.
The Radical Party is not an electoral entity but an organisation open to membership for citizens of every nationality and political orientation or affiliation. Many legislators from all over the world will attend the next Congress in Rome, as well as hundreds of human rights activists. All information for the renewal of memberships can be found below.

See you soon,



Maurizio Turco, MP

Matteo Mecacci, MP

Sen. Marco Perduca

vice-Presidents of the Senate of the Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty


Draft of the Programme

Thursday 8
15:00 - 21:00
Seating of the Presidency
Address by Maurizio Turco
Address by Marco Pannella
Welcome by the Mayor and the President of the Province of Rome
General debate

Friday 9
09:00 - 13:00
Work by the three commissions:
Anti-prohibitionism; environment and demography; legality, democracy and human rights

15:00 - 17:00,
Round table discussion with Kouchner. Fischer, Pannella, etc. Chaired by Emma Bonino

17:00 – 21:00,
Possible restart of the work of the commissions, general debate

Saturday 10
09:00 – 13:00 General debate

15:00 – 21:00  General debate

Sunday 11
09:00 –
General debate, approval of documents, election of the different bodies of the Party