Manal al Sharif, a la presó per conduïr un cotxe

La organización de derechos humanos Human Rights Watch pidió ayer la liberación de la activista Manal al Sharif, detenida el domingo y trasladada a prisión por colgar un vídeo en YouTube en el que aparecía conduciendo en contra de la prohibición tácita (no estipulada por ley) imperante en el reino. Arabia Saudí es el único Estado en el mundo que prohíbe conducir a mujeres, saudíes o extranjeras, y lo considera una violación del orden público. 25-V-11, reuters, lavanguardia

No License to Drive for Saudi Woman
Saudi Authorities Arrest Woman Who Dares to Drive

After she dared defy Saudi Arabia’s ban on women drivers and posted a video of herself behind the wheel on YouTube,  Manal Al-Sharif was arrested. She is charged with besmirching the kingdom´s reputation abroad and stirring up public opinion.

On her video, al-Sharif described the indignities of not being allowed to drive. In Saudi Arabia, women have to rely on taxis or their family for transport. They can also hire full-time drivers – an expensive option. The ban impedes women’s ability to work and study, and even to run errands.

Saudi Arabia is the only country that forbids women from driving. The ban is based on religious edicts issued by clerics, rather than a secular Saudi law.

Al-Sharif, a 32-year old information technology specialist at a Saudi oil conglomerate, is one of a group of Saudi women who have begun a "women2drive" campaign. The women say they are planning a protest drive on June 17.

King Abdullah should end this ridiculous ban. Just as his predecessors made their mark by introducing education for girls, the king can shape his legacy by opening the roads to women drivers.


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