2-V/4-V, New York/Washington, taula rodona, Human Rights in Turkmenistan: Bleak and Getting Bleaker

Human Rights in Turkmenistan: Bleak and Getting Bleaker (New York)

Location: OSI-New York
Event Date: May 2, 2011
Event Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Speakers: Felix Corley, Ivar Dale, Robert Templer, Kate Watters

At this Open Society Forum, international human rights experts will discuss the worsening climate for civil society and a deterioration of respect for human rights in Turkmenistan.


Human Rights in Turkmenistan: Bleak and Getting Bleaker (Washington, D.C.)

The Open Society Foundations host a discussion on the deteriorating conditions in Turkmenistan for civil society and human rights.