11/15-VII, Barcelona, I Summer School of the Mediterranean

la_foto_med.jpgArmed Islamist Movements: Jihadism and Beyond
Dr. Omar Ashour (University of Exeter)
Middle East Armies: Political, Social and Economic Roles and Impacts
 Prof. Yezid Sayigh (King’s College London)
Limits of International Interventions and the Role of the EU
Besa Shahini (Freelance Policy Analyst)
The Economics of Euro-Mediterranean Integration
Prof. Alfred Tovias (Hebrew University Jerusalem)
The Mediterranean as a Geopolitical Unit
Prof. Pere Vilanova (Universitat de Barcelona)
Dr. Eduard Soler i Lecha (CIDOB)
Más Información

The second edition of the IBEI Summer School of the Mediterranean will take place at the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) during July 11 – 15, in collaboration with the European Institute of the Mediterranean. The objective of IBEI´s Summer School is to offer different short courses on significant topics in international relations and the Mediterranean area, taught by experts of international prestige. The direction and coordination of the summer school will be provided by Prof. Pere Vilanova (Universitat de Barcelona and Spanish Ministry of Defence).

The summer school is aimed at graduate students, professors and researchers in the areas of political science, economics, and international relations and international studies who are interested in learning first-hand about the latest advances in research on Mediterranean politics and international relations. The courses offer a discussion and evaluation of the ongoing process of transition and transformation of the Arab countries of the region, under the light of this year´s events.
IBEI Summer School Mediterranean 2011.pdf