22-VII-10, escolapau: SUDÁN (DARFUR): UNAMID informa de que sólo en los meses de mayo y junio alrededor de 800 personas han muerto tras la reactivación de la violencia en la región.

16-VII-10: Sudan: ICC Warrant for Al-Bashir on Genocide in Darfur
The International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant on Monday, for President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan for genocide committed in Darfur. Al-Bashir´s stonewalling on an earlier ICC warrant for war crimes and crimes again humanity appears only more outrageous now that he´s also being sought for genocide.

28-V-10, escolapau: Se reanudan los enfrentamientos entre las Fuerzas Armadas y el grupo armado JEM en la región, poniendo fin a la participación del grupo en las negociaciones de paz.

31-VIII-10, afp, lavanguardia: La cooperante estadounidense Flavia Wagner, de 35 años, secuestrada en mayo en Darfur, fue liberada ayer, tras el secuestro el domingo de tres pilotos rusos. Wagner -que trabaja en una oenegé evangélica dedicada a potabilizar agua y de ayuda al campo- fue liberada sin pagar rescate. Los pilotos rusos trabajan en una aerolínea privada sudanesa. Darfur, en guerra civil desde el 2003, es víctima de una ola de secuestros desde la orden del TPI (2009) de detención del presidente Al Bachir por crímenes de guerra.


23-VII-10, HRW: Violence in Darfur Worsens
Fighting in May Alone Resulted in 600 Deaths


“I saw smoke coming from the water point following the bombing,” the man told Human Rights Watch. “I knew that my daughters … were at the pump to collect water for the day. I ran to the pump and saw Zeinab was bleeding from several places in her body and Magbula was already dead. I could not even look at her burned body. I sat on the ground trying to hold my tears.”

Fighting in Darfur is intensifying, and the United Nations needs to do more to protect civilians.

Fighting between the Sudanese government and a rebel group has worsened. This, plus ethnic fighting and clashes among rebel groups, resulted in 600 deaths in May alone, according to the UN and African Union peacekeeping mission there.

Last week, the International Criminal Court charged President Omar al-Bashir with genocide – in addition to charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity leveled against him last year over the situation in Darfur.

Witnesses and victims of recent attacks in central and west Darfur said that government forces killed and raped civilians, destroyed homes, and bombed water supplies, forcing thousands of people to flee their villages.

Yet both government forces and rebel groups refuse peacekeepers access to the most devastated areas. In June, three peacekeepers were killed and two international humanitarian workers were kidnapped.

With the UN Security Council expected to renew the Darfur peacekeeping mission mandate in late July, council members should ensure that peacekeepers increase activities to protect civilians.

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