agenda EuVisions

EuVisions is an observatory and data collection project on the themes, issues and debates pertaining to the social dimension of European integration. It was established as part of the ERC-funded REScEU project (Reconciling Economic and Social Europe: Values, Ideas and Politics) based at the University of Milan and the Centro Einaudi of Turin.

EuVisions’ work is organized around four pillars: Politics, Ideas, Institutions, and Social media. For each, our goal is twofold: on the one hand, to provide a window into the latest developments of social Europe through an observatory  presenting up-to-date information and analyses on topical issues. On the other hand, to collect and share data for more systematic investigations into the many facets of social Europe.

Combining academic rigour, the use of engaging visual tools, and an eye on current events makes EuVisions a unique experiment, which aims not only to speak to audiences possessing different levels of knowledge and analytical sophistication on social Europe, but also to bridge the communicative gap between scholars and laypeople interested in this subject.


Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione Luigi Einaudi
Via Michele Ponza 4/E
10100 Torino - Italy
P.IVA 01081820019

Tel. +39 (0)11 5591611
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