Single Seat: debate finally launched in the European Parliament

European Parliament in Strasbourg

ALDE welcomes the frank debate which has finally opened in the European Parliament on the question of the institution's seat. By adopting the opinion of Alexander Alvaro (FDP, Germany), the Budget Committee puts particular emphasis on the financial aspect of this controversial issue. The cost spent on monthly trips for the plenary sessions is more than € 180 million, notwithstanding other substantial costs due to the dispersion, such as the loss of working hours, additional costs for staff, and additional travel expenses for members. MEPs therefore are asking for Parliament's administration to conduct an analysis of the savings that could be achieved if Parliament had only one workplace or at least stopped the monthly move.

Beyond this pragmatic aspect, Alexander Alvaro highlights the democratic element of this approach. "Plenary has issued numerous votes by a majority of three-quarters to stop the dispersion of Parliament's three work places.  There comes a time when the voice of the members must be heard when we debate the seat of their own institution. After all, this is what over one million of European citizens want as well. This is why we propose to amend the Treaty to establish a single seat which is in the interest of taxpayers and citizens ".

As recently as in 2011, the ALDE Party Congress adopted a resolution calling for an end to the monthly move between Brussels and Strasbourg as well as a Treaty change to give Parliament the official right to decide on its own Seat and place of work.