"Japan’s new stance and US foreign policy scenarios", aspenia

Japan's new stance and US foreign policy scenarios - The latest analysis from Aspenia online - February 6, 2013

Japan’s strategic re-awakening
Ted Galen Carpenter - Asian Waves - 6/2/2013

A key development in East Asia has been Japan’s surprising assertiveness regarding its territorial dispute with China over the Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands in the East China Sea...

Come Abe ridisegna i piani nucleari giapponesi
Fabio Tana - Asian Waves - 6/2/2013

Nel discorso in cui ha presentato alla Dieta le sue linee programmatiche, il 29 gennaio, il nuovo premier giapponese Shinzo Abe non ha neppure menzionato il nucleare civile...

Four scenarios for transatlantic relations in Obama’s second term
Gregorio Bettiza and Emiliano Alessandri - U.S. and the World - 6/2/2013

As President Obama’s new foreign policy team takes shape, the economic and political challenges facing Europe and the United States, the volatile democratization under way in the Middle East, the nucl...

I mercati USA e UE: stretta interdipendenza e peso globale
Antonio Dai Pra - U.S. and the World - 6/2/2013

La lunga crisi economica occidentale, con l’emergenza del debito, la governance debole in Europa e i problemi fiscali in America, hanno posto seri dubbi sull’opportunità di continuare a investire nell...

The Indian Ocean Rim and China: Obama’s historical challenge
John C. Hulsman - U.S. and the World - 6/2/2013

The next vital intellectual insight the Obama administration needs to make is to see a heretofore-neglected region as the new focus for geopolitical activity...