
Asia Society
 pan-Asian organization working to strengthen relationships of the United States and Asia
 provides information and analysis about political, economic, environmental and social developments in the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus.
Front Line (The Hindu)
 India´s National Magazine from the publishers og The Hindu
Centre for Policy Research
 independent and non-partisan research institute and think tank ized by the Indian Council of Social Science Research
BBC in depth Kashmir Flashpoint
 special reports BBCnews
 L´Institut Français d´Etudes sur l´Asie centrale, en tant que IFRE (Institut français de recherche à l´étranger), est également une Unité de Service et de Recherche (USR 3140) du CNRS.
CEDEJ - Égypte / Soudan
 Centre d´Études et de Documentation Économiques, Juridiques et Sociales